вторник, 10 сентября 2013 г.

    Being a teenager isn't easy, it's not a secret to anybody. It's time of conflicting feelings and desires, when friendship can be unstable, when even a trivial thing may get you down simply because you take them too seriously. It should be mentioned, that very often teens choose wrong role models and peer approval becomes more important than that of their relatives. Not surprisingly, some fair-weathered friends may dent your self-esteem. An unbearably painful subject is that many adolescents do not even listen to pieces of advice from their parents, from people who are always behind them and ready to give a hand, regardless of what happens. As a result, teenagers find themselves in a tight corner and do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel, that in all cases, not only teens have to learn how to be close to their parents, but it’s also extremely important for parents to take initiative and reassure their children, that they are not alone, that it’s normal to learn from setbacks and sometimes just to keep things in perspective; that they shouldn’t be afraid to articulate how they feel. All in all, it’s a mutual responsibility to be able to hear each other and to keep the channel of communication open at all times. 
    Frankly speaking, I was lucky not to experience such problems in my family. And you? If yes, how did you manage to overcome them? :)

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